Powerhouse Schedule and Class Synopsis

Powerhouse is just a few days away! Here is the schedule for the weekend:


4:00 pm Registration

5:30 pm Supper

7:30 pm Worship - DecembeRadio

Service – Bro. McKinley

10 pm DecembeRadio


8:30 am Breakfast

9:45 am Class

§ Missional Living in College – MavinEscew

§ Missional Living in High School – Matt Hopkins

§ Missional Living in Middle School – Jason Dasher

10:30 am Change Classes

10:35 am Elective Class

§ Awesome God: Praying Teens – Janice Miller

§ Christianity is Not a Spectator Sport – Robby George

§ Dreams to Destiny – Gary Clements

§ Fearless - Lindsey McKinley

§ I See Dead People – Kevin Carver

11:20 am Break

11:30 am Elective Class

§ Awesome God: Praying Teens – Janice Miller

§ Christianity is Not a Spectator Sport – Robby George

§ Dreams to Destiny – Gary Clements

§ Fearless - Lindsey McKinley

§ I See Dead People – Kevin Carver

12:30 pm Lunch

1:45 pm Meet in Chapel

2:00 pm Mentoring Moments

3:00 pm Social and Game Time

5:30 pm Supper

7:30 pm Worship – TN Youth Worship Team

Service – Sharon Farruggia

§ Movie Night: “How to Save a Life”

§ Hay Ride and Bon Fire


8:00 am Breakfast

9:00 am Cabin Cleanup

10:00 am Service and Communion – Darren Schalk

11:30 am See You Next Year

Here is a description of the elective classes:

Awesome God : Praying Teens

What happens when teens pray?

Session 1:

This is an interactive session where we will discuss some of the issues that teens face:

· Relationships

· Depression/Negative emotions

· Finding our Purpose

· Peer Pressure

· Sexuality

· Eating Disorders

· Temptation

· Safety

· Making Wise Choices

· …….and more

Christianity is Not a Spectator Sport

No more sidelines time to get in the game!

God has called us to be Christians, which means to be Christ like. However, too often instead of Christ-like, we have become Christ-lite. We only want appear to look like Christ, by only doing as much as it takes to just get in to heaven, and nothing more.

Jesus expects more from those of us who call ourselves Christians.

He has called us to truly live a Christ-like life.

To be Christ-like is more than just not cussing, not drinking, and not watching really bad movies (that often).

In this class, we will attempt to learn how to follow him by not focusing on the "Thou shalt nots", but rather on the "go and do's"

Dreams to Destiny

This class will take a look at the story of Joseph and the destiny God has for each of our lives.


Think of your greatest fear.

Everyone has something that terrifies them, and although everyone’s fears may be different, they have one thing in common; these fears stop you from living your life to the fullest.

How can we live in the abundant life Jesus offers if we are constantly stricken by fear and anxiety?

In this class, you will learn biblical principles to help you overcome fears that keep you from experiencing God’s plan for your life.

I See Dead People

A class on how to live the life of Christ while surrounded by those that are spiritually dead.

New Pre-Teen Camp Director

We are happy to announce to you that we have a new director for Pre-Teen Camp. Julia Timson has agreed to serve in this capacity. Julia's talents, experience, and passion are a welcome addition to our team. We look forward to the 2011 camping season!

It is finished....

What a summer we have had at Camp Hickory Hills! It was a camping season that saw Ninjas, Super Grover, campers being tucked in at night (with a song to help them sleep), an awesome new water slide (thank you brother Chris), tons of fireworks, and most importantly, the presence of the Lord.

Total attendance of staff, visitors and campers were over 850 for this year. There were 139 salvation experiences, 100 Sanctified, 106 filled with the Holy Ghost, and over 150 baptized.

Thank you to the directors for planning, creativity, and giving. Thank you to all of the staff for giving up part of your summer to show the love of Christ to these youth and children. A big thank you to all of the campers. Without you, camp wouldn't be possible.

And now, all praise and glory and honor be given to our heavenly Father for Your grace, Your mercy and Your love.

Tennessee Youth Harvest Training 2010

The very first Tennessee Youth Harvest Training has come and gone. Kim Batson did a great job facilitating and heading up this event. We worked on a team with Bishop McKinley - State Overseer, Tim Farmer - State Youth Director, and Kim Batson - State Children's Director and our goal was to combine all three ministries: children's, youth, and camping, into one training event.

All three ministries: Children, Youth, Camp - feed into one another and so the vision was to offer a training event where all three could come together and train workers from across the state. The weekend offered a Friday night worship service. A group of people from West TN to East TN was put together to lead worship. Friday night's message was brought by our General Overseer, Bishop Randall Howard. He spoke about the vision over the next 10 years: Turning To The Young Harvest. After the service, a reception was given for all who attended.

Saturday was full of break out sessions for each ministry track. We had general sessions which brought together workers of all three ministries. Kim Batson spoke passionately about Safety for our children/youth, in our ministries, and living above reproach.

The camping ministry track involved 4 break out sessions:
1. General vision and camp updates - Jeff and Kimmy Jones
2. Everything Is Spiritual - Victor Rodriguez
3. How To Minister In The Alter - Victor Rodriguez
4. Serve Like Jesus - Jeff Jones

Thanks to Victor for stepping in with short notice. Pastor Bobby Peoples had prepared for classes 2 and 3. He was unable to attend due to a death in the family. Our prayers were with him during this weekend of training.

Thanks to Empowered Ministries for serving and cooking for the weekend.

The training weekend concluded with a short message and challenge from North American Presbyter Sam Clements.

We will be debriefing and planning for the 2011 TN YHT this upcoming week. We have heard many positive things about the entire weekend and we hope to build on what was started in 2010.

Youth Harvest Training

What an incredible time! That's the words that I have heard time and time again describing the Youth Harvest Training that took place March 5th and 6th. The opening session featured our General Overseer challenging all in attendance (pastors, children's ministers, youth workers and camp workers) to turn to the Young Harvest. The closing session on Saturday finished with North American Presbyter, Sam Clements, speaking in a consecration service.

Everything in between these two sessions is the heartbeat of the ministries in our state that are geared towards the young harvest. Breakout sessions took place across the campground training workers in Children's Ministries, Youth Ministries, and Camping Ministries. There was also a time of training geared towards the safety f those we minister to, led by Kim Batson.

Thank you for all that were able to attend. Look for news coming to you soon about future training coming to the state of Tennessee.

Year Round Planning

The camping season for Camp Hickory Hills requires year round planning. We meet and communicate with directors throughout the year in order to prepare for each camp's one week of ministry. We have an up coming directors meeting this weekend. Please help us pray for fresh creativity and anointing, that we may minister to each camper with excellence.

Youth Harvest Training 2010

We had a wonderful time in Murfreesboro last weekend. Camp Hickory Hills was well represented this year. Chris and Melissa Bohanon (representing our directors), Julia Timson, Marty Benson and Katrina Graves (representing our volunteer staff), and Shelton Campbell, Caleigh Graves and Nick Rodriguez (representing our student leaders) all received training in the area of camping and youth ministry. Tennessee was also represented by pastors Milton Gordon and Verlin Thorton and TN State Youth Director, Tim Farmer. Victor and Renee Rodriguez (Senior Camp Directors), Shaun McKinley and Bro. McKinley all helped teach classes.

The classes covered a wide variety of topics. Friday's main focus was on ministering to this generation. Guest speaker Paul Robertson, from Canada, spoke both the morning and afternoon sessions. There was a lot of information to take in. The presentation was fun but challenging at the same time. Friday evening closed with a general session focusing on running day camps to minister to children and teens.

Saturday began with a general session led by Shaun McKinley on Making Ministry Spaces Safe Places. Many of these topics will be covered at the local church and at training sessions we will hold at our campground. Saturday closed with Biship Billy Wilson delivering the Word to us.

Sunday morning opened with a final general session. Darren Schalk spoke on Holiness/Pentecostal youth ministry. He was followed by North American Presbyter, Bishop Sam Clements who delivered the closing challenge.

During each day, there were break out sessions that focused more intently on specific ministries.

Trevor and Aileen Reid deserve to be commended for providing a weekend full of information that was not only useful, but practical as well.